Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Palmetto Hill, Mouth of the River and South Jetties

Palmetto Hill
Mouth of the River
South Jetties
July 21, 2015

Palmetto Hill was the site of the last battle of the American Civil War.  I was not aware that there had been a battle of the civil war in the valley.  For some reason, I thought that all the battles for the civil war had been held north of the valley.  I learned a very valuable lesson.

Palmetto Hill is in the Outlet Rio Grande Sub Watershed.  It then flows into the Outlet Rio Grande Watershed and continues flowing to the Lower Rio Grande River Sub Basin and finally empties into the Rio Grande River Basin.

At the mouth of the river, we found out that the there is silt not sand and that there is no sand on the Boca Chica Beach, this too is silt.  This is the end of the river where it runs into the ocean.

The mouth of the river is in the Outlet Rio Grande Sub Watershed.  It follows its flow into the Lower Rio Grande River Sun Basin.  It finally flows into the Rio Grande River Basin.

At south jetties we see blocks of marble.  These blocks create niches for different sea life.

This area belongs to the Bahia Grande-Brownsville Ship Channel Sub Watershed.  It continues its flow to the Brownsville Ship Channel Watershed.  Then it goes into the South Laguna Madre River Sub Basin and finally flows into the Nueces-Rio Grande Coastal Basin River Basin.

Dr. Garcia then led us to an area he calls the high ground.  It was scary to see all the cars go up the vertical road towards a type of levee with a narrow road.  From this vantage point, we could look towards the water and find mangrove and sea grasses, but as you turned around the opposite side had very different vegetation.

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